Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Analag Dept. has a nice photo-gallery on Garrard 301 and 401. Here is the address:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tired of all the Thorens? Have a look at this beauty! A Russco Studio Pro from 1972 restored by analogforum member groovemaster:

There is a very nice photo story with various images about the restauration of a 401 on the commercial site of Musik Keller Hifi:

Photos show the 401 from different angles and perspectives. Nice.
Andrew recently posted a story on the UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum that 5 boxes with Garrard 401's where given to him by a broadcaster for free. Some even had SME tonearms! Great finding.
Read the story here:

Garrard 401 restored by Loricraft

User dom posted a report about the restauration of his Garrard 401 done by Loricraft on Pink Fish Media:

Graig Schofield's find of a Garrard 401 with Acos Lustre GST-1

Graig Schofield posted some images of a Garrard 401 with Acos Lustre GST-1 that he found in the house of his grandmother. Posted in the Vinylengine Forum: